Всё что нужно перевести) Это можно добавить в Мордор! TheBlack Gate This was the Morannon, the mighty fortified gateway believed to bebuilt by Sauron to guard the entrance to the Black Land of Mordor; it was amighty gate that stretched across the Haunted Pass of Cirith Gorgor.The gates opened onto a narrow valley, Udun,and were highly defensible, only successfully assaulted once in their historyby the Last Alliance.
Udun Anarrow valley in the northwest corner of Mordor, where the Ash Mountains meetthe Mountains of Shadow.At one end ofthe valley is Cirith Gorgor and the Black Gate of Mordor (Morannon), at theother end of the valley was the narrow pass called Isenmouthe.There were many Orc-holds, armouries andtunnels in the mountains on either side of the valley, used by the troopsguarding the Black Gate.
DurthangPass A high pass which ran above the plain of Gorgoroth and the Vale ofUdun, allowing traffic from the Durthang fortress to Udun without having to gothrough Isenmouthe.
CarachAngren (Isenmouthe) This was the pass which separated the Vale of Udun from the Plateauof Gorgoroth, formed from spurs jutting out from the Ered Lithui and the EphelDuath.This pass was like Cirith Gorgoralso heavily fortified, and both rocky spurs that overlooked the pass hadfortresses and watchtowers.Across thepass a wall of earth was built, with a great ditch spanned by a single bridge.
Plateauof Gorgoroth Anupland plateau bounded by the Ephel Duath and the Ered Lithui in the North andWest, by the Maegond Spur in the South West and by the Mithram Spur in theSouth East, this was the heart of Sauron’s realm, and was a wasted desert, aplace of broken slag and ash, with many lava pits and choking fumes, asOrodruin stood in the center of the plateau.
DelvishCross Acrossroads in Mordor just before Carach Angren, where the road south from Udun,the road east from Durthang, the road north from the Plateau and the road westfrom the Dark Tower met.
MorothRoad Themain road in Mordor, travelled by many iron shod feet.It ran the length of Mordor, from Udun allthe way south to Nurn.Thousands ofslaves labored to ensure that the road remained clear for armies to use.
AshPlain This was the northern wedge of Gorgoroth, which stretched from Udunto the foot of Orodruin, and from the Morgai in the west to the Gates ofBarad-dur in the east.It was a barrenwaste that consisted of broken rock and burnt stone, and the constant eruptionsof Orodruin tended to go into this area, covering the plain in ash and dust,with many pits filled with foul fumes.
TowerSpur Thiswas a spur of the Ered Lithui upon which Barad-dur was built on the lastmountain, and the spur itself was impassable, with peaks in the range likeneedles.
Orodruin(Mount Doom) The principal reason Sauron decided on Mordor as his dwelling placewas because of the existence of the fiery mountain, which he could harness forhis own purposes.Although a naturalvolcano Sauron seemed able to control its fires, such that when Sauron wasabsent the Mountain lay dormant.
DoomRoad TheDoom road went around the southern flank of Orodruin, so that orcs could travelto Barad-dur from the Morgul Vale and avoid the worst of Orodruin’s eruptions,which flowed north.This road neededconstant repairs from Mt.Doom’s eruptions.
GhashRoad TheRoad of Fire, or Sauron’s Road, ran from the Dark Tower’s huge western gateover a deep abyss by a bridge of iron, and ran straight for a league betweentwo smoking chasms, and then to a long sloping causeway up onto the easternside of Mt.Doom, and after encircling the mountain came to the Sammath Naur.The road was constantly repaired bycountless slaves.Lava from the mountainwas also channeled back to Barad-dur next to the road in the Naur Trench,filling the gulf around Barad-dur except for the great Iron Bridge, it was usedas a final defense of the Dark Tower, and also to feed the fires for thevarious engines in the Tower, the Trench ran virtually straight and parallel tothe road.
SouthGorgor TheSouthern plain of Gorgoroth was often filled with great rivers of molten rock,burnt stone and ash, although ash fumes wer e less common here than in thenorth, hot winds were often a problem.
MulburzRoad TheMulburz Road ran south from Barad-dur to the Nurza-shuk Gap,where it merged with the Nurn and MorothRoads.This road was the main supplyroute to the Dark Tower from Nurn, so it was constantly patrolled.
SeregostRoad Alongthis road came the armies of the Easterlings loyal to Sauron, the road led eastaway from the Dark Tower and through the Mithram Gap branched into the EastRoad and Caran Road.
Kirithgal Aplain of Gorgoroth lying south east and bounded by the Mulburz, Seregost andNargoth Roads, it was riddled with dangerous pits that spilled out fire andash, very few could survive a crossing of this plain, it was considered thedeadliest part of Gorgoroth.
NargothRoadThisdeadly road connected the Seregost and Mulburz Roads.
Hidden (Raven) Vale In secret Sauron deposited much of hisknowledge in a secret chamber east of Barad-dur in this vale named for manyravens.Many still search for thisHidden Vale and the secret chamber within.
Plainof the Black Steeds Thenorth eastern corner of Gorgoroth was the least hostile part of the region, andcould sustain life.The plains here hadgrass, which was brittle and filled with nettles & thorns, and here werekept the black horses of Mordor.The black horses of Mordor were bigger thannormal horses, and fed with fell grains and rotted Morgul loam.
Seregost Fortressthat guarded the Mithram Gap, it was a place of lava and red rocks, and namedfor the ‘Blood Stone’ flower.After thefirst Downfall of Sauron at the end of the Second Age, the Uruks took thisfortress and inhabited it for many centuries until their master’s return, sothe fortress was never held by the Dunedain.It was a place of Dark Sorcery, with foundations of molten lava.
MithramSpur A range ofmountains which came down from the Ered Lithui and stretched south eastwards ,and bordered the south eastern edge of Gorgoroth.
DaemonGap Thiswas a secret way across the Mithram Spur, and Sauron used this way for hisspies to keep an eye on things south and east, and of course Sauron also hadspies to watch his spies, always fearful of deceit and treachery.
DaemonAngren A fortress inside Daemon Gap, said to be the abode of IndurDawndeath (one of the Nazgul) in the early Third Age while they prepared fortheir master’s return, it was at the southern end of the Mithram Spur andoverlooked the Plain of Nurn.
Nargroth Afortress at the very end of the Mithram Spur, it looked across a wide gap tothe fortress of Morigost at the base of the Maegond Spur.No one could enter Gorgoroth without beingseen from these two vantage points, which were the southern guard into theplateau.Nargroth was a high mountainpeak with a watch post, and a large orc camp at its base.